5 Months Until the Dexter Season 7 Premiere!

We are 5 months (or 152 days) away from the season 7 premiere of Dexter! So far it is officially known that the upcoming season begins filming on May 23, the first special guest star and the title of the premiere! Can't wait!!

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  1. Wow, is that photo official, from episode 7x01???

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... :( :( I have to be patient...! or i'll drive myself crazy..!

  3. Counting down... I spent days marathoning to catch up on 6 seasons after a friend introduced me to the show. I was hooked right in the first episode, just can't seem to get enough of such a lovable, positive villain:) Dexter rocks!

  4. jeeezzz....too long to wait....

  5. 5 months! God! How am I going to wait? Its really a long period!

  6. Wow, I am really going wait for it. I know it is going to be my longest wait.

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