"Because we can finally be who we are". What an amazing episode! Not action-packed but filled with great moments, and revelations. Hit the jump to see the highlight's of "Argentina", which was written by Arika Lisanne Mittman, DexterDaily's review in GIF form and to tell us your thoughts about episode 7.08 (in case you didn't or, you have something more to add)...
Let's see below the highlights of our second favorite episode of the season...
-Hannah and Dexter's breakfast the morning after. Really good scene.
-Isaak who's looking for revenge, tries to kill Dexter at the donut shop, but he fails. Poor donuts.
-Astor and Cody are back. We missed them. It was good to see them again, after 20 episodes.
-Dexter confides to Hannah about Isaak wanting him dead. Then he realizes that she's the person he can turn to in order to kill someone.
-Quinn is in big trouble. Again.
-Dexter's kills a guy who was sent to kill Isaak, at his apartment. How badass Isaak was in the scene where the police was investigating the murder?
-The confession scene was definitely one of the best moments of Jennifer Carpenter on the show. Maybe the best. All the awards to her!
-So Isaak is gay, and Viktor was his boyfriend. Was that a surprise to you? The conversation between them at the gay bar was fantastic. Once again, Isaak comes clean as to why he wants Dexter dead.
-This time, LaGuerta who explores the BHB case, finds out Dexter had moved his boat right after the bodies were discovered. She finds his boat, complete with "Slice of Life" on it. The Bay Harbor Butcher story is getting very cool and interesting.
DexterDaily's review in GIF form: