Mystery solved.
Dana Starbard/Showtime |
Back on December 14, Showtime dropped
nine promotional photos for the penultimate episode of Dexter: New Blood "The Family Business". The above photo was included by Showtime in the episode nine stills, but it was missing from the actual episode. Was it because the scene was deleted like many others so far this season, or not?
Warning, episode ten spoilers ahead!The scene wasn't scrapped from episode nine, because it doesn't actually belong to episode nine! Showtime did a tiny mistake when they released the images, and included a season finale photo between the ones from "The Family Business".
Showtime |
The promo pic shows Angela down at Kurt's underground cavern, meaning that someone has already told her about Kurt being a serial killer. We can confirm that it belongs to the upcoming season finale of Dexter: New Blood titled "Sins of the Father".